Friday, July 25, 2008

Do you think animal also has romantic feeling to his/her lover. Well, after you read this story, you'll understand that animal also has feeling.
Basically, I love cat since I was a little girl. But my 1st cat was given from my best friend. When I was at 5th grade, my best friend left me due to she had to follow her family. Her family would relocate to another island. Her daddy was promoted to be manager in Oil Company. It was a very good step for her daddy career. So they decided to move. And my best friend should left me.
She had 2 cats. Both of them were male. They were 'Polly' with black and white beautiful hair and 'Puss' with yellow hair. She loved her cats very much. But unfortunately she couldn't bring that cat with her to new island. She was so sad. But then her family decided to give her cats to me and to another family in Jakarta.
In short, I got Polly. And he is great-grandparents of my cats now.There was beautiful story about Polly. Beside he prefer to eat cooked spinach than fried fish. He had beautiful love story also. Polly basically was a house-cat. He had never been outside the house. He spent his child time inside the house, played with family member and Puss in the big house, ate best cat food and never seen mice or rat. When he moved to my little house. He was amazing with the situation. All looked scary for him. He always ran when he heard strange voice, e.g. a man pushed a cart-wheel. And he saw mice for the first time.
But he still got best fish and cooked spinach also. And we gave him extra milk also. He had special plate to eat and special plastic cup to drink in kitchen. We just needed to make sound when plate and cup collided to call him. And he would run fas to come. It was EATING TIME.
Well, after couple months he was with us. May be, he was grown up in our house. He met a female cat for the first time in our house. He was adopted since baby and he forgot his mom already. They were so many wild cats surrounded my house. He fell in love with a cat girl. Name was MANIS. Manis means of 'cute'. Manis was a cute female cat and had color as Puss had. She had beautiful yellow hair. I knew that due to I always saw Polly followed Manis. And couple times Polly and Manis slept side in side in our terraces.
You know how a wild cat's life? MANIS was a wild cat. She usually got eat by stealing fish from people kitchen, or getting fish bone in dust bin. Polly was a typically house-cat. Polly was terribly in love with Manis. and He understood about Manis position. Manis was always in hunger. Polly couldnt see it happened to his beloved lady. He offered his food to his lady. But how? It means Manis should enter my house to eat Polly's food. Yeah, I dont know how Polly could bring Manis inside my kitchen. But oneday when I was peeping at him on his lunch time. I saw Manis was eating Polly's food. And Polly was sitting behind her, kept watching Manis finished her lunch. Wow......
But when I was out from my concealment behind the wall. Polly was acting to show us that he enjoyed his food and Manis hided from my sight. sweet. Polly was a romantic cat. He was adorable in our place. So many female cats loved him. I was almost thinking, he was a charming prince before a wicked lady cursed him. Because he was a different cat. He loved rice and cooked spinach, ice cream, fish, durian, etc that people loved to eat. And he would become a human again after he was kissed by special girl who loved him so much. Hahahhaah....... I did. I kissed him. But he was never been a charming prince as a frog prince did. He was still cat and did 'meooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg..........!!!".
Ah, Polly passed away few years ago. I missed him so much. Hope you will rest in peace. But now I have another cat. Tiger, he is Polly's great grand children. Hahhaha.........but he is a real cat. He doesnt like spinach as Polly did.

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