Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Few days ago, METRO TV has just launched new mascot and declared itself as The Election Channel or Referensi Pemilu Indonesia. Actually since 2004, Metro TV has been The Election Channel. But this year METRO TV needs to strengthen itself as The Onen and Only Election Channel in Indonesia. Why? Every people has known that METRO TV has successfully held TV programme that supported National Election in 2004. In 2004, Metro TV was the only news TV channel. But now? TVONE is a competitor. TVONE is another TV which has good news.

I dont know why, TVONE is almost similar to METRO TV. If METRO TV is being proud with its go-international style, TVONE is being proud as Indonesian TV. TVONE always try to chase METRO TV. Even TVONE try to be better than METRO TV. If METRO TV has Metro Pagi, Metro Siang, Metro Malam. TVONE has Kabar Pagi, Kabar Siang, Kabar Malam. If METRO TV has Market Review. TVONE has Kabar Pasar. If METRO TV has Snapshot, TVONE has Mata Kamera (TRANS TV has John Pantau). See Who is the trend setter???

Of course TVONE try to make a false start by declared itself as TV Pemilu. They want to be competitor or even better TV News which support National Election in 2009. So...of course METRO TV should be better than 2004. Well, METRO TV proudly present mascot for their Election Channel Programme. Yeah....Its a Reffy.

Why should METRO TV launch mascot?

According to Wikipedia. The term mascot – defined as a term for any person, animal, or object thought to bring luck – colloquially includes anything used to represent a group with a common public identity, such as a school, professional team team, society, or brand name. Mascots are also used as fictional spokespeople for consumer products, and regularly used as goodwill ambassadors in the community for their team, company, or organization.

REFFY has made METRO TV's tag-line as The Election Channel more eye-catching still in blue. Anyway....We really need TVONE and other TV as competitors. It will make us to keep and improve our news quality day by day. Lets be smart and be informed with the leading News TV Channel.Long live METRO TV!

P.S. its not an advertisement, I just want to share my feeling.

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