Wednesday, January 16, 2008


May be these few days, we faced terribly increasing soy bean price in Indonesian market. The price increased from IDR 500,000 / 100kgs to IDR 730,000/100kgs. It means the price increased 46 %. It really shocked Tempe and Tahu industry in Indonesia. Tempe and tahu are traditional food from Indonesia with high protein. For long time it became favourite Indonesian food especially to people with low income in village. But then the increasing soy bean price as raw material made Tempe/tahu industry should increased their price if they didnt want to bancrupt. But some of industry preferred to stop th eproduction for a while, at least until the soy bean price become stabile as before.

The increasing of soy bean price it was caused of exporter country changed their soy bean to corn. Why? because corn is also can be used for bio fuel. And world needs bio fuel to maintain their fuel suply. As we know that world oil price also increase, perhaps the resource is almost finish. Thats why People need alternative fuel.

Indonesia importing soil bean from US and other country. Actually its an irony. When Indonesia claims itself as agrarian country, but why Indonesia cant solve this simple problem. Why dont we plant soy bean in our fertile land??? It become big guestion mark in our mind.

Well, i think the one reason from many reasons. I have taken part in that irony. Guys and gals! Let me introduce myself. My name is Risma. I graduated from the best agricultural university in Indonesia even in ASEAN. Who doesnt know with IPB (INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR) or BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY? The icon of Bogor City. Well, if you dont know that, please check it up on Internet!!!

Since 1965, IPB have been graduating thousands or might be millions the best agricultural scholars. But why agriculture in Indonesia havent met any extravaganza progress. Where were the IPB-alumni???

IPB alumni now is working on TV station, bank, magazines, shipping company, retail, school etc. But only small of them who worked in Agriculture. Why?

I'm a bachelour of Agriculture. But I've never applied my knowledge to improve Agriculture in Indonesia. When I was a student of IPB, I spent a year in bilingual preschool. After graduated, I spent 2 years in a shipping company. Then now, I'm working on a TV station. I also a writer of a novel, articles, even I also a scriptwriter of an opera. I had business that already bancrupt. A lot of experiences but none of them in Agriculture.

When people laughed at me. I just said, " I have no idea to work in agriculture field. Even I have shortage information about agribusiness company. When I tried to apply there, I'd never gotton answer. May be they rejected me from the first. I dont know why?".

It made me shy to claim that I'm a Bachelor of Agriculture from IPB, when I got interview session. I know the next question?

" How come you get here?" I just smiled up.

Oh my GOD, I felt guilty to Indonesia. I'm sorry Indonesia.I supposed to be leading of change in Agricultural. If me and other alumnis commited to use their knowledge to improve Indonesian Agriculture. We dont need to depend on exporter countries for our rice, sugar, soyben, durian, etc.

Well, oneday when I have a lot of money. I will buy agriculture field that was already built villa, town-houses, or real etate and bringing back to 1st function as field. I'll be the owner of biggest Agribusiness Company in Indonesia even in the world. I'll bring our victory back to Agrarian Country. We'll have economic based on Agriculture. We'll open large of work field in every single of land in Indonesia, modern or traditional Agriculture. Or if we need, I can buy MONSANTO share to improve our Agriculture. Indonesia GO AGRICULTURE will be our motto. We'll be exporter country of many agricultural products. We'll be RICH country. IPB will be one of destination university to study agriculture. Even Harvard should learn from Agribusiness IPB. And...............

Please VOTE RISMA as your president in 2009!!!!

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