Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Why do we close eyes when sleep?
Why do we cry?
Why do we imagine?
Due to the most beautiful thing in the world is UNSEEN
When we found someone whose the uniqueness is same with us....
We combine with him/her within same pecualiarity is named of LOVE.
There are some that we dont want to release.
Some people whom we dont want to leave.
But remember..., release IS NOT the end of world....
But the begining of a new life.....
There is happiness to whom it might has been crying alot,
being hurted...
has found...
and to whom it may it might has tried the best.
Because of THEY can apreciate how important person who can touch their life.
Trully LOVE...
Its when your tears flow and STILL CARE to him/her.
Its when he/she doesnt care with you but you are STILL waiting for him/her loyally.
Its when he/she has been starting to love somebody else and you are STILL smiling up to him/her meanwhile says, "I'm taking part of your happiness".
If love is not successful, RELEASE yourself.
Let your heart again spread its wings and fly to the wild.
That might be you found love and lost it, but
When that love is die....You dont need to die with him.
The strongest person IS NOT they who always win.
BUT they who keep standing when they fall.
Whether how.......
In life's journey, you learn about yourself
and realise that regret not necessarily happened.
Only the eternal appreciation for the coices of life that has been for you.
The TRUE FRIEND...will be understood when you say "I forget".
Will waiting forever when you says, "Wait me for a moment!"
Keep staying when you say, "Leave me alone!"
Open the door although you've been knocking.
LOVE someone...
IS NOT about how to forget....but how to forgive....
IS NOT about how to listen....but how to understand....
IS NOT about what do you see...but what do you feel....
IS NOT about how to release....but how to KEEP FAITH....
More dangerous drip the tears in the heart than sobbely cry.
The tears can be removed.
But unseen tears makes the wound that will be never lost.
In the love affairs, we are VERY RARE win the love.
But when the love is SINCERE, although you lost but you KEEP WINNING just because you are happy.
Can love someone MORE THAN you love yourself.
The time will arrive, when you have to stop love someone NOT because of that person has stopped to love us.
BUT because of we realise that person will be more happy if we release him/her.
If you really love someone, dont release him/her!
Dont believe that release always means of you really love him/her.
BUT...KEEP STRIVING to get your love.
That is TRUE LOVE.
It will be better waiting for your expected person than walk together with someone's avalaible.
Sometimes, someone who you love is THE MOST person who hurt you.
And sometimes, the friend who cry along you is the love that's not realised by you.
Modesty guide you the strength not the weakness.

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