"Why She/He is so tall, beautiful, smart, religious, rich, and bla...bla...bla?
Why She/He is ugly, short, stupid, bad, poor, and bla...bla...bla?
Why She/He dissable but beautiful, smart, religious, rich and bla....bla....bla...?
Why She/He is beautiful, smart, rich, but very bad people?
Why She/He is so easyly get successful?"
Why some people blessed with perfect life and why another blessed with unperfect life, even not only unperfect but also unlucky??? Why we always feel that another people luckier than us? Why we often thinking that we are blessed with unperfect life? Why we should thinking that neighbor's grasses more green than us?
Hem ask yourself!!! Sorry the problem is in yourself only. You have just made mistakes by thinking bad to your potential life. Every people must be has felt 'Self Confidence Crisis'. Me too.
Allah blessed me with small body. Yeah........my height less than 150 cm. When I was young. I always dreamed to have tall body. I thought being tall easier than being short. People would see you up. You could raise some stuff on higher place, without any addition tools (e.g. chair) or had another to get that for me. I thought I would be so pretty with my ideal posture. I could get many attentions from people (esp. my friends). Might be Airplane Company would hired me to be their stewardress. Might be I could be a model. I always jealous with someone else who has tall height (stupid am I?)
In marching group, I always stood in the front with other small girl. Hem......than I heard so many times that some company required recruitants with certain height. Ohhh...........
Sometimes I blamed my parents. "Why I'm short?". I tried to join some therapy to get ideal height. My parents wasted a lot of money for nothing. Nothing happened to my height although we had tried; Zenith Grow, bone therapy, etc. Ohhh.............But I never stopped to blame my self.
Until my mom said, "My dear Risma, why should you blamed Allah's creature. Nobody's perfect. Maybe you dont have ideal height. But check yourself! You blessed with so many SURPLUS. You always got good ranks in the school. You have good imaginations. You always be champion of every almost championship that you joined. You have good talent in writing. Even since elementary school you organized class to make performance stage by your own script. You always got 8,9,10 for all science subject. Even you always be one of the best student in the class. You are blessed with perfect body not handicap. Almost all of your prayers being granted by Allah. What else? You are a miracle for us. You are the star for us. And I'm sure, you'll gonna be start in most people who recognize you. You are an everlasting shining stars"
Deggg..............!?! My mom said that with wise smiling face, and little crying. Maybe she really wanted to express her feeling. She was desperate, no ideas to advise me anymore how to thankful what has Allah given for me. She told me truth all the things. Yeah..........It was me. Why should I blamed my destiny. I'm just a small girl but have many so wonderful life with my talent. Nothings wrong with my height.
More years, I'm getting recognized myself. I dont care with my height anymore. Although I'm still the smallest at home (I have 3 younger brothers). I often be the smallest one in my community. But I'm ok........
You know that my height is normal in Indonesia. When I walk with my friends, I dont feel as small, because of some of my friends have same posture with me. Even I've seen some people with height less than 145 cm. Some people are dwarfs with height less than 140 cm. Some Indonesian artist have the same height with me (e.g. Trie Utami hehehhe..........). But I'm still the smallest amongst my some people included of Pakistan community, Mr. Gerry my old teacher from British who stay in Pamulang, my foreign friends, etc.
Now I'm being aware that I heredited my family. I have some cousins who shorter than me. My grand ma also short. The gen for boys in my family heredited tall posture. Hem.........I understand now.
I'm small but its not really important. People see me as an unique girl. I attract people with my knowledge, talent, etc not only physical appearance. Hem........all of nice man who admire me have height above 170 cm. Hehehe..........It means they see my inner beauty. NOt from my height.
Yeah you right may be I have no challenge to be stewardess, model, SPG (Astaghfirullahal adzim.........all of these never in my minds). I can be reporter, pilot, army, or etc. But I still can be someone who is respected by her knowledge and talent. I still can be popular by my own ways. Alhamdulillah, I have no difficult to finding job. And now I'm an author also.
Well............shining stars always being looked small (compare with sun, moon). But who I'm. I'm a shining stars. I'm sure I will reach all of my dreams with Allah's blessings. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I'm sure about it. No doubt anymore.
So readers, build your self confidence. No need to be jealous with someone else. No body's perfect. YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK ALL DAY LONG. If you think good, good follows. If you think evil, evil follows. ALLAH will not created unusefull creatures. Everybody has its own surplus & minus. No need to regret destiny. Better you thing brighter future which has waiting for your action from now! Than you are sinking in 'unlucky-feeling'. Create your own miracle!
Thanks to:
* Allah for this wonderful life
* My beloved mom for nice suggestions
* Surya who has given me wonderful book "The Power of Subsconcious Mind" by Murphy
* All who has made my fascinating life.
-------Cheers up!----------
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hai.. just want to say I really - really ♥ your post
I'm really enjoy and so touching when I read up your post. Yeaa totally true, some of people just want to be like someone else, same to me -_- huhuuu..
I used to wish to be a stewardess some day, but I know I will never achieve that because of my height. Sometimes I blame myself why I'm not tall like them, even I'm happy go lucky person but sometimes I can felt that people around me look down at me, I loss my self confident just because with my height, my social life not a happening as I wish. ;(
But after I read your post it's make me realize that we should be thankful to the creator who created us because nobody is perfect, no matter how tall, short, beauty and ugly you are, we still the same~
And the last but not least, I'm totally love your quotes, here ;
...."YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK ALL DAY LONG....Everybody has its own surplus & minus. No need to regret destiny. Better you thing brighter future which has waiting for your action from now! Than you are sinking in 'unlucky-feeling'. Create your own miracle!".....
Thanks u. ;)
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