Monday, June 02, 2008


Well, I've dreamed it since two years ago. I hope this year it will come true. As a producer in Jakarta who has produced some movies interested to make my novel 'Surat Cinta Saiful Malook' to movie. Masha Allah, its been 3rd times the issues of movie. It has rocked my heart many times. I hope its really come true.

Why I'm so much sure with this producer. They called me to talk on Friday. Friday is my blessings day. All happiness happened on Friday. I was born, got some awards, my publisher called me for 1st publishing, job interview, etc on Friday. Each job interview on Friday, I always passed it succesfully. Even when I got my 1st interview in recent company. I love Friday.....

So my fans........SCSM in Movie is not dream anymore. Its coming very soon. Insha Allah.

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