Well, my old novel Surat Cinta Saiful Malook (SCSM) trying to rock Metro TV. Please let me know how many crews who read SCSM??? The funiest when I was in Finance Department for some reasons. Mbak Ria (=bunda) told me, "My nephew told me that a writer named of Risma works in Metro TV. Well, I didnt imagine its you".
I said, "Well its me........".
A woman with veil on another desk shouted, "What, are you Jasmine in Saiful Malook. Wuah............It was fabulous stories".
I smiled.
"Then hows Saiful Malook now?"
I said, "He's ok now".
She declared to everybody in finance room, "You should read that. It was touching stories, I was crying badly when read that".
Everybody asked about that. Mbak Auda on another desk asked, "How was Jasmine, Mas Fatah who's oldest in your office, and......".
I dazed, "What? how could? Did you?"
Mbak Auda, "Yeah I read your blog. As you, I'm a blogger".
Me, "Oh I see. What's your nick name?"
Mbak Auda, "Auda.........hem secreet".
In another ocassion I met with Mbak Ika (HRD). She told me that she read my blog. Wuahhhhhh.............It made me shy. Luckyly I didnt tell something bad there. I'm scare it will influence my work performance. Hahahha...............
Well, HRD Metro TV. Actually I wrote these at home by my PC or my mobile but. I just uploading in office. When I was not really hectic. So no worried about that.
Mbak Ika, I'll try to make some articles about 'CINLOK' as you requested. To my lovely readers, please let me know what do you want to know from me. I'll release here as soon as possible.
With love,
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