(picture by wikimouth.wikidot.com)
One of its disaster is that it looks very light but is very heavy, that is why Prophet Mohammad's laid much stress on taking care of it because more of the disasters come due to of the tongue only. Until tongue does not start, there is no quarrel or litigation with anybody, when it starts, every such things is there. Pious religious scholars have collected these disasters of tongue at one place after extracting them from Hadith. These disasters according to Imam Ghazali (Radhiyallaho anho) :
1. To talk about the thing which has no benefit.
2. To talk more than needed.
3. To talk about nonsense things like telling stories of women, transgressors or tyrants with interest.
4. To indulge in (useless) debates and discussions.
5. To quarrel.
6. To talk with formality and artificiality.
7. To talk obscene language and to abuse.
8. To use fool language.
9. To say La'anat.
10. To sing and to read such poetry which is against the Shari'ah.
11. To chat and laugh more.
12. To laugh at others in which others are looked down, upon.
13. To reveal some body's secret.
14. To make false promise.
15. To tell lie unless it is extremely necessary and nobody's right is being snatched, there it is allowed.
16. Ghibah (Backbiting/Gossips):- This becomes one's food and gives rise to many evils. many people say that they are speaking truth, how is it Ghibah? This doubt is silly as Geebat takes place only when it is true, otherwise it is slandering. Of course, if there is a possibility of some Deeni or worldly harm to someone, then it is allowed to reveal his condition.
17. Double faced:- To say yes to everyone and in every group.
18. Flattering someone at his face. If it is felt that the listener will not feel proud instead may get more inclined towards virtue, then there is no harm.
19. Not to take care of minute mistakes during conversation as people say "above is Allah and below you." This is a bad thing, in it there is sort of equation between the creator and the creature.
20. To ask Ulama such questions which are not related to you.
So whenever you have to say something, don't say it abruptly, first think for two or three seconds that whether this thing which I am going to say, may not displease my real owner Allah. If one is fully satisfied that it is not so, then one should say without hesitation but only whatever is needed (not more than that). If there is slightest doubt, then keep quite, Insha Allah, you will get saved from all the disasters of tongue easily. Then if you make mistake by saying inadvertently bad words, you should say ASTAGHFIRULLAHALADZIM (I ask Allah forgiveness). May Allah forgive you.
Then what do you do when somebody say bad words to you? E.g.; asshole, bastard, monkey, etc.
1. Don’t be sad or feel angry/ insulted! Why should angry if it’s not yours.
3. Time to pray and lets see & wait your dua will be granted as soon as possible. Because Allah has guaranteed will grant all dua of people who helpless/ sad/ desperate/ hurt/ insulted/ sick/ etc.
Is He [not best] who responds to the desperate one when he calls upon Him and removes evil and makes you inheritors of the earth? Is there a deity with Allah? Little do you remember. [An-Naml (The Ant) 27:62]
I always feel happy when people try to make me sad/angry. It means I’ll have the best opportunity to ask something from Allah. The more people try to insult me, Insha Allah, I’ll be happier, because Allah will make me happy.
I’ll not reply what people do badly to me with the same think. If people say something bad to me, I’ll never ever reply with the same things.
Do you know a pot? If we pour tea-water into the pot, the pot will only pour out the tea water. If we pour coffee-water into the pot, the pot will only pour out the coffee water. If we pour pure-water into the pot, the pot will only pour out the pure-water. And if we pour dirty water into the pot, the pot will only pour out the dirty water.
If your mouth only can say bad things, means inside your heart only bad/dirty things as you say. Whatever that you say will measure the quality of your personality. Bad people will only say bad things. Good people will only say good things.
So if people say something bad to me, I prefer to smile. If I can I will say thanks to him/her who say that to me. Means he/she has gives me very good opportunity to let my prayer (dua) be granted by Allah.
4. Pray for them who say something bad to you or spread bad gossips to you. “May Allah bless you….”. Insha Allah, angels will pray the same for us.
Islam is Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin (Blessing for all). So as a muslim you should spread peaceful life to all (other people, animals, trees, etc).
P.S. Alhamdulillah I’m the happiest woman in the world.