Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Today, I was getting know that one of my co-worker will resign at the end of this month. It was shocking me. I was getting sad. It always happened when I lost my dear friends, co-worker or someone special. I had difficult to manage my feeling. Loosing someone would make my world different. It would not be the same as before. No more laughter, no more stories, and many happy and sad moment with my lost friends.
I always cried when I decided to resign. Because I realized that I would leave my paradise and move to another world that I'd never known before. Would I enjoy there? Would I have nice friends there? Would I get the same cherish life there? and many questions danced in my mind. Either I cried, each my co-workers or boss left the office.
People said, I should try to be professional at work. Never ever use my heart there. Just do my job and leave all stupid things about feeling. Mmmhhhhh.......I don't know, I always found the joy of life. When I met with new people, new environment. In very close time, I started to fall in love with the situation. I always could get the positive sides even from a weird place. And when Allah took away my life, I felt sad. Sometimes down, if that people meant a lot to me.
As happens now. I really love with my work. I love the job, environment, friends, bosses, etc. Although I don't really get what I want for my career. I mean salary. But I feel the joy here. And I cant change with anything. I'll only leave this place when my time that Allah gives to me has finished. I don't know, I always think that whatever happens to me is the best thing that Allah gives to me. Its my destiny. So when I have to move to another destiny, no one can stop my way. I just want to use carefully my time as my thankful expression to Allah. Just be the best! And may be now, my time with my co-worker who will resign this month almost finish. So Its time out.
Company are faceless industries. They do not care about how you feel, your personality or whether or not you're happy. Company only care about your end results. They want you to produce and they don't care how you do it. Whether you work 18 hours overtime, whether you work every weekend, whether you work every lunch, does not matter to them. Company has paid you enough so they have right to claim your productivity as a loyal worker.
So you must learn to always be professional at work. Never lose your temper, never cry, never get impatient, never get upset, never show your weakness. If you are caving under pressure, run to the bathroom. Trust me, by being emotional, you are making yourself a liability. No one wants to keep people who are flaky or break under pressure. The corporate world wants people of steel.
Remember to be professional, polite and loyal. Always get your work done, always strive to do your best, and always make your boss look good. If you follow these steps you will go places. Remember the corporate world is not like working in a small business, you are just a name and payroll number to them. Don't case waves, make your boss look good and he/she will help you climb the corporate ladder.
Well, I need to learn how to be professional at work. Although I'm a sensitive girl. I don't need to use my feeling all the time. So? No more cry for my co-worker who will resign. Can I? hahahah............
Well, for you my friend. May GOD bless your steps. Its time to move on. May be your destiny being here has finished. And may be, Allah has prepared somebody else for me. But the joy of life that have you shared to me, never ever been replaced in my heart. mellow feeling is coming now.

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