Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Friends, when ALLAH became the most important reason. So I dared to decide to marry and speed up my marriage planning.

when ALLAH became the most important reason, then I dared to determine with who I'll marry. I would not often to ask about my prospective spouse. I accepted him warmly for the sake of Allah. And one certain matter that I did not go along interfere in or arranged anything that became Allah's affair.So I would only accept trully proposal from someone who dedicated his life for ALLAH. As long he was a good moslem, although He was ugly, old, poor, uneducated or another 'dunya's reasons' I would accept him with Allah's guidances.That's all.

When ALLAH became the most important reason, then I would try as hard as possible to not see all lacks of my husband. And I tried as hard as possible also to make him happy with me.

When ALLAH became the most important reason, then dripped my tears when seeing all kindness and my husband's surplus. that it seems was difficult to be competed with by me.

when ALLAH became the most important reason, I prayed, "Yaa Allah, please made him, an imam, husband and the good father for my kids. And just requested him to be my partner in dunya and akhirat"

Friends, if Allah became the reason was most important to marry, then necessarily did not have again the term, searched the suitable match, that was ideal, that was moving our heart, that pacified the spirit, and bla-bla . Because all of that just emerged precisely after passing the level of marriage. Just do nikah with for the sake of Allah and must be convinced to The greatest determiners all of them.

Notes: Akhi wa ukhti dont be confused with your choice. No body is perfect.

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