Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Do you ever miss your past? About life episodes that has gone with the time. Some life experiences that you ignored but now you miss all of that. About your stupidity, enemies, friends, special friends, ptoblems, etc.

Ah now I'm missing some of them;

  • My college time, when I was absent and asked my best friend to signing my presence list.
  • My college time, when I booked the strategic place to listen lecturer.
  • When I was taking bus Ciputat-Bogor and took a look of Parung views. The centre of prostitution. How was the society accepting prostitussion as normal profession. When I saw kids went home from masjid with their veil and Quran and kissed their mom's hand. Their mom wore sexy dress, made up herself to wait guest.
  • Reading in campus library.
  • Chatting with Saiful Malook
  • Eating soto mie with Widi, DJ, Irma, Dewi, and Ari. Meanwhile we were dreaming about our bright future.
  • Enjoyed my absent time with Sumiyati.
  • My life as a teacher in bilingual pre-school e.g. : teaching, making display, conversation on lunch, singing, managed stage performance, etc.
  • Lilis (my smartest student), Dinda (my strangest student), etc...
  • My school principal who paid me Rp 1,050,000 for the 1st.
  • Lanny, Ardia, Ida, bu Kukun, Mbak Titin, Bu Inti all of Cordova member...
  • Embassy of Pakistan's family
  • Pak Dedi Budiman Hakim, my theses councelor
  • KKN at BOJONG CAE ; Abang, Fian, DJ, Desi, the villagers, ustad keparat, Dicky an other teams
  • My admirers
  • my relatives who had passed away
  • Mas Surya, someone who gave me book "The Power of Unconscious Mind".
  • etc

I miss all people who had made my life wonderful and colorful....But I dont want to repeat my time. A wise lady told me, "Whatever that happens now is the best. Allah gives that because HE sure that is best for you now. So why bother?"

Yeah.........I'm enjoying my time. Alhamdulillah...

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