My friend called me a dreamed girl. I always figure my self in the best condition. I tried to manage my thinking positively. Long time, before I found the miraculous book "The Power of Your Subsconscious Mind". I had used "YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK ALL DAY LONG" properly. I hate when someone told me that He/She has fallen down, no chance to change.
I know better "Think good, good follows. Think evil, evil follows". Allah will answer our DUA. Positively prayer will be more get attention than praying while you are not sure what are you praying.
I believe that the only matters that we cant change are; birth, death & companion of life. But another destiny is depend on our efforts. Although I cant deny, that:
Allah Answer Dua in 3 ways,
HE says YES, And HE will gives you what you want as soon as possible.
HE says NO, HE will changes with better things (Dunya or akhirat)
HE says WAIT, HE will gives you what you want until the perfect time
But sometimes as a human being I'm dissapointed with the result. Astaghfirullahaladzim......
I thought I lost my Dreams but Allah has changes it with better things. Alhamdulillah...
Why bother?
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