Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Are you going to marry an Indonesian? Imagine how will you pass fabulous 'Lebaran' in Indonesia!!!
Idul Fitri, more commonly referred to in Indonesia as Lebaran, is the celebration that comes at the end of the Muslim month of fasting, Ramadhan. The Arabic meaning of Idul Fitri is "becoming holy again".

The dates of the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, Ramadan, vary from year to year, as the Muslim calendar (Hijrah) is based on a lunar cycle of 29 or 30 days. The exact date is determined by the sighting of the new moon. These lunar calculations lead to an official announcement by the government on the eve of Ramadan and Idul Fitri so that the faithful know when to begin and end the fasting month. In 2006, Lebaran will fall on October 24-25th (approximately) .

RamadhanTo understand the significance of Lebaran, an understanding about the fasting month of Ramadhan is important. During the month of Ramadhan, Muslims must refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, marital relations or getting angry during the daylight hours. In addition, those fasting are supposed to refrain from bad habits - lying, getting angry, using bad language as well as to be more diligent in prayer and give to charities. It is believe that fasting heightens spirituality and develops self-control.

The fast begins in the morning just before sunrise, at Imsak, and is broken at maghrib which falls at sunset. Fasting during the month of Ramadhan is one of the five pillars of Islam and an obligation for devout Muslims.

Those who are expected to fast include: adults (defined as those who have reached the age of puberty) and those who are sane. Those who are not expected to fast include: children, women having their period, travelers, the sick, those with long-term illnesses, pregnant or breastfeeding women and the mentally ill.

The faithful who fast awaken early in the morning to have a meal before subuh. In order to awaken the faithful, the call to prayer is sounded from neighborhood mosques. In addition, groups of young boys walk around neighborhoods beating on drums and other noise makers to awaken the faithful.

The breaking of the fast at sunset is a very social occasion for which special foods are prepared for gatherings with family or friends. Upon hearing the sound of the bedug drum on the television or the call to prayer from the neighborhood mosque at sunset, the faithful know it's time to break their fast, or buka puasa. This is usually done with a very sweet drink and sweet snacks. Maghrib prayers are made before a full meal is served. Taraweh prayers are held in neighborhood mosques and at gatherings every evening at about 7:30 p.m. These prayers are not compulsory, but they are enjoyed by many.

The schedule for Imsak and Maghrib is posted in major newspapers and on the television throughout Indonesia, as well as published in handouts by major religious organizations.
While it is expected that people will keep to their normal activities during the fast, needless to say the lack of liquid and food during the day and the unusual sleep and meal schedule soon take their toll. After the first week you may see that sleep and food deprivation cause those fasting to have reduced energy levels as well as finding it more difficult to concentrate on tasks.

Why does Islam oblige its followers to fast during Ramadhan each year?
To develop compassion for the poor and needy who feel hungry every day.
As a spiritually and physically cleansing experience. Just as in other world religions, fasting is seen as an opportunity to separate yourself from the things of this world and to concentrate on your relationship with God.
To become closer to God by contemplating his will in your life.
To build self-discipline and to become a better person.

How does Ramadhan affect Indonesian Society?

Food vendors and some restaurants close during the day and some restaurants stop serving alcohol. The government closes night entertainment centers during the beginning and end of Ramadhan and shortens their hours throughout the month. You won't have any trouble finding seating at restaurants throughout Jakarta for lunch, but dinner may be more difficult. Buffets catering to those breaking their fast at sunset offer a delicious array of Indonesian specialties.

You may be awoken early in the morning by the enthusiastic young people parading through the neighborhood (DON'T tell them to be quiet! This would be extremely offensive, just quietly endure.)

Food prices rise dramatically as Lebaran nears.

A one-month bonus is commonly paid to all household staff and salaried employees in offices and factories near the end of the fasting month. This is referred to as THR (tay-ha-err) Tunjangan Hari Raya, or bulan ketigabelas - the 13th month.

An increased level of patience and tolerance is required when dealing with workers who are fasting.

Do not speak harshly with those fasting as if they get angry or have negative feelings towards others it invalidates their fasting for that day.

Traffic jams from the afternoon rush hour start earlier as many office workers leave earlier than usual to break the fast with family and friends.

It's difficult to schedule travel in Indonesia near the end of Ramadhan due to the annual exodus of millions of city dwellers to their hometowns (estimated to be 16.9 million in 2005!).

You may feel uncomfortable eating or drinking before your fasting staff/friends. It would be considerate to refrain from eating or drinking in front of others that are fasting.

Your neighborhood association may organize a charitable drive for the poor in your neighborhood. Give to this drive as a gesture of good faith and your membership in the local community.

You'll notice a big increase in beggars at traffic lights as the poor flock into the city from the villages at this traditional time of heightened charity giving.

You will notice a growing excitement amongst your Muslim friends, colleagues and staff as Lebaran approaches and they make plans for their special celebration.

Lebaran At the end of the month of Ramadhan and its special religious observance is the Eid holiday, called Idul Fitri or Lebaran in Indonesia. In Indonesia, this is the time when Muslims visit their family and friends to ask for forgiveness for any wrongs they have committed in the previous year. They express this wish in the phrase "Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin" which means "forgive me from the bottom of my heart/soul for my wrongdoings in the past year". A traditional Arabic (Muslim) greeting for the Eid celebrations is also commonly used in Indonesia "Minal Aidin Wal Fa Idzin", which is expressed upon meeting friends and family during the festive days.

Traditional foods are consumed, family and friends gather to ask forgiveness and exchange greetings, new clothing is worn, children receive gifts of money and visits are made to recreational parks -- all to celebrate the successful completion of the fasting month. On Java, prior to the start of the fasting month (but not during it), visits are made to the graves of family ancestors (nyekar) to pay respects, clean the grave and leave flowers, causing major traffic jams near all major cemeteries.

Idul Fitri begins with mass prayer gatherings early in the morning at mosques, open fields, parks and on major streets. It is an amazing sight to see rows of hundreds of Muslim women all dressed in their mukena (white, head-to-toe prayer gowns) performing the synchronized prayer ritual. Muslim men tend to wear sarong, traditional shirts and peci hats to Idul Fitri morning prayers. On the walk home from the mass prayers, quick visits are made to friends in the neighborhood to ask for forgiveness.

Following the morning prayers and neighborhood visits, visits are made to close family members around town. Family members go to their parents first and then to the most senior relative's house (oldest person in the family) to "Mohon Maaf ..." with family members. Then depending on your age/status in the family, you visit aunts and uncles homes to do the same. At each house drinks and cookies or snacks are served, and since it is very impolite to refuse the food, by the end of the day you are so full you can hardly move. These customs may entail several days of visiting relatives and often there will be a gathering of family members at the senior-most relative's house.

Employees may also visit the homes of their senior bosses in the company or critical business colleagues and government officials to "Mohon Maaf ... " after their family visits are completed. In Jakarta, these customs entail days and days of visiting relatives and colleagues resulting in a great time of family reunions and upset to normal working/living schedules. Many people also take the opportunity of the Lebaran holiday to visit recreational parks.

While gathering with family, it is customary for the adults to give the young children some money ... they may meet you at the door shaking their wallets! It is also customary to distribute money to children in the poor neighborhoods around your home, Rp 500 or 1,000 per child will bring huge smiles to their faces!

In Jakarta neighborhoods there may also be organized fun and games sponsored by local businesses ... including climbing a greased pole to try to get to the prizes on the top called panjat pinang. A fun site to see!

Strongly held traditions to visit family at this time necessitate the exodus of 3 1/2 million (yes million!) people from Jakarta alone, as well as additional millions from other urban centers, to rural villages and hometowns for the Lebaran holiday. The logistics of this exodus cause headaches for the government each year. During this period the streets in Jakarta are nearly empty as the population decreases by nearly one third. The hardships and inconveniences endured by the travelers in overcrowded buses, trains and cars is unbelievable, yet they feel that this is a small price to pay to spend the holidays with their family and friends. Traditionally these urban dwellers come bearing gifts or money earned during the previous year for their family.

They often return from the exodus accompanied by relatives and friends looking for work in the cities, furthering the pressures of urbanization. The government attempts to prevent the "socially undesirable" such as beggars, vagrants and others from migrating to the cites, but the task is overwhelming.

During the weeks after Lebaran many groups hold halal bilhalal gatherings where employees from a company, friends, colleagues or members of an organization gather to share a meal and ask each other's forgiveness. Non-Muslims are often invited to participate in these festive gatherings also.

Various Traditions Associated with Ramadhan and Lebaran:Bazaar/Pasar Amal Organized by various civic, charitable and neighborhood organizations, goods are sold at discounted prices to help the poor celebrate the holidays with new clothing and special foods.

Bedug Lebaran The traditional bedug drums are beat at maghrib to notify the faithful that it is time to break the fast. Starting on the evening of the last day of Ramadhan and continuing throughout the night and into the following day, the bedug are also beaten in the takbiran celebrations either in stationary locations, or in parades through the streets. Takbiran is the prayer and celebration heralding the Idul Fitri holiday. Loud and boisterous parades and celebrations are held throughout the entire nation, which includes drum beating accompanied by amplified prayer and lively Islamic music.

Bingkisan Lebaran Elaborately wrapped parcels are given by business colleagues or associates to Muslims in the week prior to Lebaran. They are usually arranged in a rattan or wood basket and contain food, small household appliances or dishes.

Buka Puasa Breaking the fast, the meal at sunset.

Busana Muslim Fashionable Muslim apparel worn for festive occasions such as Lebaran.

Kartu Lebaran Many people send greeting cards to their Muslim friends (whether they themselves are Muslim or not). For sale in shops throughout the city, Lebaran card designs should not depict people or animals. Geometric designs, mosques, traditional textiles or ketupat are common. Most cards have the date of 1 Syawal 141_ H written on the card. You need to fill in the appropriate year in the space. In 2006, the Hijrah year is 1427, in 2007 will be 1428, etc. Calligraphy artists design specialized cards for customers on sidewalks near post offices and major market areas.

Ketupat Traditionally eaten at Lebaran, the rhomboid-shaped ketupat casing is made of young coconut frond leaves that are still light green in color. Intricately woven by nimble fingered experts who can complete the weaving in 10 seconds, they are sold to the public at pasar (traditional markets) in bunches. The ketupat are filled with uncooked rice then steamed and left to cool before serving. The coconut leaf casing gives a unique flavor to the rice, one always associated with Lebaran. The ketupat is cut open, removed from the casing and cut into small chunks, then served with various accompanying vegetable and meat dishes (opor and sambal goreng), often cooked in spicy coconut milk.

Korma Dates from Iraq, Tunisia, the US and Saudi Arabia make their annual appearance in markets and supermarkets for the breaking of the fast.

Mudik The term for the exodus of millions of people from the urban centers to the villages in order to celebrate the Idul Fitri holiday with family and friends in the village. In 2005 newspaper accounts estimated the movement of people around the archipelago at 16.9 million people! This is a strongly held tradition and travelers happily endure a lot of hardships and inconveniences in overcrowded cars, buses and trains with seasonally inflated prices.
Puasa Fasting

Sungkem The Javanese custom of asking for forgiveness at Idul Fitri which demonstrates the respect given by young people to the family elders. The young person kneels and bows their head to the elders' knees and asks for forgiveness.

Santunan Ramadhan Donations to a charitable organization for distribution to the poor and needy at Lebaran.

Sembayang or shalat Ritual prayers that must be made five times each day by Muslims.
Takbiran The prayer celebration on the evening of the last day of Ramadhan, to herald in the Idul Fitri holiday. Chants are praised to Allah, drums are beat endlessly, dances, songs, religious prayers and sermons are given in public displays of excitement and praise.

Zakat The obligatory poor tax that is paid by Muslims during the Lebaran period. Zakat should total 2.5% of one's income, depending on the nature of the gift. Zakat is paid to charitable organizations, neighborhood groups or through direct distribution to the poor and needy in the neighborhood. Zakat tax is deductible in Indonesia; the funds can be deducted from your gross income before figuring taxes.

* summarize from www.expat.or.id
* Lebaran getting closer, Oh.....how sadly will leave Ramadhan

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Specifying the 27th of Ramadhaan as Laylatul-Qadar

Question: Some of the Muslims have taken the 27th night of Ramadhaan as Laylatul-Qadar. Is their any basis for this specification and is there any evidence for this?

Response: Yes, there is basis for this specification and that is that the night of the 27th of Ramadhaan is mentioned in the hadeeth, in Saheeh Muslim, on the authority of 'Ubayy Ibn Ka'b (radhi-yallaahu 'anhu).

However, the overwhelming opinion of the people of knowledge, from the forty or more opinions, is that Laylatul-Qadar is in the last ten nights, and specifically in the last seven of those nights. So, it is possible that it could be on the 27th night, the 25th, the 26th or even the 24th night (and so on).

Because of this, it is befitting for (each) person to exert (himself in worship) during all the nights such that he does not deny himself the excellence of them and the reward (to be gained) in them.

Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) says:
{We sent it (this Qur.aan) down on a blessed night [(i.e. Laylatul-Qadar) in the month of Ramadaan]. Verily, We are ever warning [mankind that Our Torment will reach those who disbelieve in Our Oneness of Lordship and in Our Oneness of worship]}, [Soorah ad-Dukhkhaan, Aayah 3]

And He (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) also said:
{Verily! We have sent it (this Qur.aan) down in the night of al-Qadar. And what will make you know what the night of al-Qadar is? The night of al-Qadar is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allaah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months). Therein descend the angels and the Rooh (Jibreel) by Allaah's Permission with all Decrees. Peace! (all that night, there is Peace and Goodness from Allaah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn}, [Soorah al-Qadar, Aayaat 1-5]

Shaykh Ibn 'UthaymeenFataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 852, Fatwa No.842al-Fataawa libni-'Uthaymeen - Kitaab ad-Da'wah - Volume 1, Pages 204-205
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

KOLAK & Ramadhan

If you are an Indonesian. Iftaar or break fasting will nothing without this special sweet appetizer. We usually eat this after azaan Maghrib. After salaat, we continue with main course. Ramadhan will not complete without KOLAK. Hehehhe.....

Kolak Pisang (Pisang = Banana)

2 Banana (pisang)
2 Sweet Potato/yarn (ubi)
200 ml Coconut milk (santan)
3 tbsp Palm sugar (Gula Jawa/Gula Merah)
200 ml Water (air)

Cut banana and cassava into pieces. Boiled those ingredients in 200 ml water.
Pour in the coconut milk and the palm sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolved.
Simmer until the cassava tender and the sauce not to runny. Serve hot or cold.

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AZAN; The Amazing Phenomenon

Amazing as it sounds, but fortunately for the Muslims of the world, it is an established fact. Have a lookata map of the world and you will find Indonesia on the eastern side of the earth. The major cities ofIndonesia are Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Saibil.As soon as dawn breaks on the eastern side of Saibil,at approximately 5:30 am local time, Fajar Azaan begins. Thousands of Muazzins in Indonesia begin reciting the Azaan. The process advances towards WestIndonesia . One and a half hours after the Azaan has been completed in Saibil, it echoes in Jakarta .Sumatra then follows suit and before this auspiciousprocess of calling Azaan ends in Indonesia , it has already begun in Malaysia .

Burma is next in line, and within an hour of its beginning in Jakarta , it reaches Dacca , the capital ! city of Bangladesh .After Bangladesh , it has already prevailed in westernIndia , from Calcutta to Srinagar . It then advances towards Bombay and the environment of entire India resounds with this proclamation. Srinagar and Sialkot(a city in north Pakistan ) have the same timing forAzaan. The time difference between Sialkot , Quetta ,and Karachi is forty minutes, and within this time, FajarAzaan is heard throughout Pakistan .Before it ends there, it has already begun inAfghanistan and Muscat . The time difference between Muscat and Baghdad is one hour.

Azaan resounds during this one hour in the environments of Hijaaz-e-Muqaddas(Holy cities of Makkah and Madinah), Yemen ,United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Ira q .The time difference between Baghdad and Alexandria in Egypt is again one hour. Azaan continues to resound inSyria , Egypt , Somalia and Sudan during this hour. The time difference between eastern and western Turkey isone and a half hours, and during this time it isechoed with the call to prayer.Alexandria and Tripoli (capital of Libya ) are locate dat one hour's difference. The process of calling Azaanthus continues throughout the whole of Africa .

Therefore, the proclamation of the Tawheed and Risaalat that had begun in Indonesia reaches theEastern Shore of the Atlantic Ocean after nine andhalf hours.Prior to the Azaan reaching the shores of theAtlantic , the process of Zohar Azaan has already started in east Indonesia , and before it reachesDacca , Asar Azaan has started. This has hardly reachedJakarta one and half hours later, the time of Maghribbecomes due, and no sooner has Maghrib time reachedSumatra , the time for calling Isha Azaan has commencedin Saibil!When the Muazzins of Indonesia are calling out FajarAzaan, the African Muazzins are calling the Azaan forIsha.If we were to ponder over this phenomenon thoughtfully, we would conclude the amazing fact that there is not even a single moment when hundreds of thousands of Muazzins around the world are not reciting the Azaan on the surface of this earth. Evenas you read this aterial right now, you can be surethere are atleast thousands of people who are hearing and reciting the Azaan!!!

Allah said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will beashamed of you." If you are not ashamed, please send this message..."Yes, I love Allah. Allah is my fountain of Life andMy Savior. Allah keeps me going day and night. WithoutAllah, I am no one. But with Allah, I can doeverything.

Allah is my strength."Hamba Allah,Allahu Akbar!!
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Love for the sake of Allah.....

To love someone for the sake of Allah is a grand act for which much merit and many rewards have been promised.

"To love for the sake of Allah" means loving someone, not for worldly gain, but because he/she is more religious and pious or busy in serving Muslims and Islam, or because loving him or her is commanded by Allah; like loving parents.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:"Allah shall ask on the Day of Judgment; ' Where are those who loved for the sake of my greatness? Today when there is no shade, I shall have them in my shade.'" [Sahih Muslim]

Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an:"The Believers are but a single brotherhood."[49:10]

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:“There are three things, that whoever attains, will find the sweetness of faith: If Allah and his messenger are dearer to him than anyone else; if he loves a person solely for the sake of Allah; and if he would hate to return to disbelief (kufr) after Allah has rescued him from it, as much as he would hate to be thrown into fire."[Agreed upon]Having love for Allah's pious and good bondsmen is actually an outcome of one's love for Allah, so it earns the same rewards and merits as the latter.

*YA ALLAH please let me love him for the sake of ALLAH totally. Let me walk in YOUR pathways together with him!
**Ok beloved, Insha Allah I'll train my self to be more shabr. You too KEEP SPIRIT!!! Lets strive to be better moslem!!!

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RAMADHAN almost finish

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
O you who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard (against evil). Q.S. Al Baqara 183
With the advent of another Ramadaan, a mixture of feelings overwhelm the hearts of Muslims all over the world. The hearts are full of hope, based on truthful promises and glad tidings given by Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (SAW), of great bounties and endless bliss.

We have been promised that the past sins will be forgiven for those whose fast is based on belief (Eemaan), sincerity and on truly expecting the rewards from Allah (Ihtisaab).

We also have been promised that past sins will be forgiven for those who offer night prayers (Qiyaam) during the entire month, and who do that with the same two conditions of Eemaan (belief) and Ihtisaab (truly expecting the rewards from Allah).

We have further been told that there is one night in this month which is better (in rewards) than a thousand months of worship, and that all sins will be forgiven for those who spend it offering Qiyaam with both Eeman (belief) and Ihtisaab (truly expecting the rewards from Allah). We have been told that the devils will be chained down, that the gates of Hell will all be shut and that the gates of Paradise will all be open throughout this month.

We have been told that Allah (SWT) will free (from punishment) some of his `Ibaad (worshippers) on every single night of Ramadaan. We have been told that Allah (SWT) answers the Du`aa (supplications) of the fasting person at the iftaar (fast-breaking).

We have been told that Allah (SWT) multiplies the rewards of fasting beyond the limits of imagination. We have been told that the fasting person will be joyous and happy when he meets his Lord (SWT).

We all hope:
  • To be from among those who will offer the fast in the correct way, in order to reap its glorious fruits.
  • To be granted forgiveness for our previous sins, to be able to do much more good and to overcome all our weaknesses.
  • To be among those who receive the gifts from the Jannah, whose gates are opened.
  • To humiliate our enemy (Satan), who is chained down, by rejecting any of his deceitful suggestions.
  • To be from among those who will receive full atonement for their sins by the end of Ramadaan.
  • To be among those who will be most happy with their fasts when they meet their Lord (SWT).

We further hope that all of us will be pleasing to Allah (SWT) in order to deserve His mercy and victory. However, although we have hope, we should also have some concerns in our hearts because there are certain conditions for the fast to be acceptable and to give its desired results. These are Eemaan (belief and sincerity) and Ihtisaab (truly expecting the reward from Allah (SWT)).

So, are we going to perform our fast with true belief and full surrender to Allah (SWT), or is it going to be an exercise for us to lose some weight? Are we going to fast because Allah (SWT) imposed it upon us, or just because we have been used to it from childhood? Are our intentions to please Him or to please our friends and family? And even when we feel that we satisfy the conditions for an acceptable fast we should still be concerned that our deeds may not be accepted from us because of some deficiency that we may have overlooked.

This is the way of the Salaf (Pious Predecessors) and their true followers, some of whom were reported to have said: "I will not feel safe even if I see one of my feet is already in Jannah - not until both of them are in there". We ask Allah (SWT) to make the fasting easy upon us, to help us to perform it in the perfect way that pleases Him, to reward us with all the bounties that He promised to the fasting people, to grant victory and supremacy to the Islamic Ummah (nation), and to make our most pleasant and happy day the Day we shall meet with Him. Aameen

***May be it will be our last Ramadhan

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Pekhawar Kho Pekhawar De Kana

Manam khaista khaista kharoona shta de
Kho de pa tolo bande bar de kana
Da har ze khpal khwandoona khpale maze
Kho pekhawar kho pekhawar de kana....
there are lots of cities you may visited,
but the city like peshawar , hard to find.
as every city has its own taste or beauty
but the beauty of most high then these citys.
because peshawar is PESHAWAR

1- Sanga che khar daase noom khkwale de
pa saree lagi da janan pa shante
Such of the beautiful city ,
Peshawar kinda of that ,
As i feel a name of my love like.(janan= love)
dalta budaa khkwale maashum khkwale de
peghle ye nang lari da zwan pa shante
Here is the old as the child both handsome and beautiful, (peghle=woman),
as the young girls like a young boys, mean powerful and healthy.
and strong.. (shante=like that/this). khar=city ,noom=name, khukeley=handsome

da Malakand pa shante dange ghare
da har zalmi zra ye khyber de kana
malakand=mountain name, like mountain like high neck ..
and the young boys are hardworking and strong. zelmey=young boy,
2- che pukhtane singare dal u ghwari
da pekhawar na kameez tor u ghwari
when the young girl ask her boyfriend or husband ,
ask for black dress from peshawar.. pukhtane=the pathan women/girs
da khpal janan na che tohfa ghwari
da khar gulona dre salor u ghwari
even if she wants to get some gift from 'abang',
she also demands flowers from peshawar.
tohfa=gift. ghwari=to want, gulona=flowers,
che khapero la hom khais zyata wee
da hosan dase jadugar de kana
to improve the appearence of girls to look more beautiful,,,
this city to give that look
3- laka sare guloona der uweeni
kho da dilbar tanda pe na mategi
all though my love such of a flower, but if i see flowers ,
its no mean for me.. because my love is more beautiful
and only when i see her then I feel relax
dase ko sok kharoona der uweeni
da pekhawar tanda pe na mategi
if you visited others cities ,
you won`t relax and happy such as you see Peshawar

har yaw sahar ye da guloono sahar
kho mazigar kho ye mazigar de kana
every morning is THE flourish morning .
and evening is THE evening .Bacause , peshawar is peshawar

4- zama na chare heredale na shi
hom de zama hom da janan pekhawar
Peshawar is not only mine
but everyone who live here , peshawar is for them

pradi kharoona me khwarale na shi
kor de zamunga da arman pekhawar
any other cities won`t the feeling as they are more advance or beautiful ,
as We love our Peshawar

ka da lugo aw ko da shora dak de
kho zamung zra zamung zeegar de kana
what happens If, the city is full of smoke and lots of noises,
its our heart and soul . Because peshawar is Peshawar

5- da pukhtano da saqafat nakha da
da bade wraze pa aman di leedal
this is the pride of all pathans ,
Allah safe it from Evil eye! Forever

da pukhtano da saqafat nakha da
da bade wraze pa aman di leedal
nakha= sign/married , saqafat= customs, tradition

che da sail pa bado na de perzo
kho da abid da zargi sar de kana
sail=the poet don`t want to defame the city by any bad things.
because its our heart and soul .
*** Peshawar inspired me alot. And my novel was born from this inspiration. Peshawar the place of Prince Saiful Malook & Badri Jamala.
Check it out in SURAT CINTA SAIFUL MALOOK (Saiful Malook's Love Letters)

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The time is over

Its the story of my office, the lovely office that I know:

Since August 2005, after graduated from my University. I worked in Samudera Indonesia Group (SIG). Even before I worked here, I've never known about this place. I didnt know that SIG is one of famous shipping company in Indonesia. The company's owner is Mr. Soedarpo, Indonesian Enterpreuner. An old success man. Here I will let you know the complete story.

Beginning of July 2005:
Ambassador of Pakistan (Baba Mustafa) offered me good job in CPO company which exported CPO to Pakistan. It was company joint venture. Well, good job. Due to Baba Mustafa knew my efforts regarding my undergraduate theses "Analysis of Indonesian CPO/KPO Export Performance in Pakistan". But I said to Baba, "I wanted to get another experience 1st before the project was going".

2nd week of July 2005:
I got interview invitation from Financial Company. Oh my GOD.........Its just like trap. You know that securities company loves to recruit fresh graduate to search investors. I didnt come.

3rd week of July 2005:
I started my job training in one company for 2 days. Then I got sick which was caused by SALMONELLA TYPHOSA.

End of July 2005:
I got email from Thomas Harianto Corporate Business Development of SIG officer. He asked me to come for interview. Hem.....even I didnt remember that I've applied to that company. Yeah, just like other fresh graduate. I applied to many companies without know what kind of company was it. Just registered Jobsdb, Jobstreet, and career.
Actually that week I got so many invitations. But all of good news on Friday for interview on Monday. And SIG was the only who invited me on Monday to come on Friday.
Then I came on friday. I met with Mr. Armand (now I'm calling him Babeh) & Mr. Thomas.
Well.....no feeling. After interview just went home.
I got so many job invitations. But didnt know why, my mom support me to work in SIG. SIG only offered me low salary among others. But my mom prefered job in SIG.

15 August 2006:
Finally I worked in SIG as junior researcher in BDU. But I joined as intenship. Well, nice people. The place not bad. I was sure it was the best for me. What had my mom said must be true. Well, I decided to work here. After I've ignored for 1st. Then again I considered to work here, with low salary.
But I was happy. All of my co-worker supported me and made me feel comfortable. babeh, Pak Thomas & Mbak Tini (BDU office girl).
Our 1st project was COAL (BATUBARA). I love this cozy place.The place who inspired me alot to go forward. Even my brain became creative in here. I wrote SURAT CINTA SAIFUL MALOOK in here.

End of November 2006:
I met Mas Shahid . If I never work here. I would never met a wonderful man like him.

January 2006:
The 1st meeting with ESCAEVA regarding SURAT CINTA SAIFUL MALOOK. The 1st step for next bright future. The best moment to prove that I could writing.

February 2006:
Editing of "Surat Cinta Saiful Malook". We got new member in BDU. Name was HAFIZ PAHLEVI from SIG Tanjung Priok. Firstly, I thought He was not kinda fun guy. But........behind I know that he is such a nice person. A friend to share dreams.

March 2006:
HAFIZ PAHLEVI started his days in BDU.
I was getting busy with my novel process. My birthday on 19th March became wonderful time.
It was the saddest time, coz I have to lose my lovely Baba Mustafa. The Ambassador of Pakistan and His wife would leave Indonesia. He had finished his duties well.
Ohhhh..............I would dedicate my novel to him. As an angel in my life.
My novel pre-launching on Pakistan Embassy School, Jakarta.
And BDU...............still going on with COAL PROJECT.

April 2006:
An angel came at 1st April and brought me an inspirational book , "The Power Of Subsconcious Mind" by Murphy. The book who became more inspiring me. Well, that book so related with Islamic Concept.
"YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK ALL DAY LONG. Think good, good follows. Think evil, evil follows"
All dreams will come true, if you believe it will happens. Never give up to reach your dreams!
My novel still in process.

MAY 2006:
We officially announced that COAL PROJECT was freezed for undertemined period.
OH MY GOD!!! And BDU's member was getting crazy.
We lost our soul. And you know what the disaster next??? I was outsource employee since 14th May.
Good News of SURAT CINTA SAIFUL MALOOK launching.
All people in BDU busy to creat their next step. APPLY JOB!!!

JUNE 2006:
SURAT CINTA SAIFUL MALOOK in Gramedia. Got responds from many people. GATRA the 1st magazine who wrote my book review.
Well, I just came to office but not much activities. Office became empty. All people here were getting upset, unspirit. But BDU still the perfect place to laughing.
We spent a day on Friday to go to DUFAN = Fantasy World Taman Impian Jaya Ancol to freshen up our deadly bad mood. At least we could SHOUTING.

JULY 2006:
The 1st week, AVT Pushto Channel discussed my novel. Mr. Saleem Jadoon told the crew about my efforts regarding novel. Alhamdulillah I got good responds from them. I saw the recorded in Mr. Saleem's house.

14th July, I got live interview on METRO TV for breakfast club program.

BDU became more vacuum. Nothing left in here. Except reasonable smile. Smile for what? For the emptiness & upset. How could this big company killed our conscious mind? Not really. It was only killed our SPIRIT. No spirit anymore.
I often spent my office time alone. Everyday, always any BDU member who was absent. How could? Because no soul. Sometimes I had lunch with Babe or Pak Thomas or Pak Hafiz only. I supported them not to surrender with destiny. Keep SPIRIT to think Positive! YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK ALL DAY LONG.

The end of JULY 2006. BDU big family spent 2 days vacation in Taman Safari. In the middle of jungle.Babeh, Telly, Tristan, Pak Thomas, Lina, Kinyis, Hafiz, his wife, Azka&brother, Tini & me stayed a night there. And lil' bit sight seeing there.

AUGUST 2006:
BDU so empty. We seldom full member. All had its own business. Well, I think some of them had prepared their next career. Staying in BDU was a stupidity.

Oh........GOD. I love this place. Eventhough I didnt want to lose this happiness. But I should someday.
Actually I also applied job. But all of them didnt allow me to marry before 1 year. How come? I have to marry in 1 year. Insha Allah. I didnt want to chase my career only. I'm a woman enough now. I need family.

The end of August, became busy time for me to prepare welcoming 'him'

September 2006:
I took leave for 10days. Its all about my life. Fortunately, Babeh and all BDU's member allowed & supported me. Thanks at all.
Well, I decided all these time. I love him for the sake of Allah.

October 2006:
Good news in beginning of October, An author from Pakistan will translate my novel to Urdu language. Wow.........
Ya Allah, Hafiz positively resign from BDU. Babeh, seems positively with DUPONT. What about me??? I couldnt stay here any longer. Pak Thomas was getting insecure. But I think he could be safe in SILKARGO. What about me???
Alhamdulillah, Allah guide me ways to my next career. I'm going to be exporter, Insha Allah. Mustafa will be my partner in Kenya. Insha Allah.........
I can work from home, by writing scenarios, novel, doing business, etc.

*** I'm thankful to ALLAH has given me the perfect life. BDU is the place where I reached my dreams. I love BDU. I will never forget all perfect moment with BDU.
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